Art keeps me Sparkly

Where do I begin? Well for as long as I can remember, art has been in my soul. It calms me, it centres me, it reminds me to be present and breathe.Therapy comes in all forms, dependent on the individual receiving or needing it. Art is mine. I can be me.
From a young age, I never felt like I “fitted in”, whatever that means. I think its how you alone are feeling on the inside and not how everyone else labels you. It took me a long time to figure that out… oh the conversations I would have with my younger self!
I remember in primary school always wanting to be in the open area with the art teacher, gluing, painting, tidying up…anything to be around the colours of paint. I remember being at home surrounded by scraps of paper “designing” my own dresses and wedding gowns. In High school I continued my love for art, which was nurtured and validated by a wonderful teacher. I never thought for one second that you could make a living from being an artist. I still never felt worthy of any praise, never hoped I could do what I loved to do. In the end life’s paths turned many corners, none of which I would erase, it just took me a bit longer to recognize who I really was.
I am Arty Sparkly. I love fashion, Scotland, art and painting. These passions show themselves throughout my work. Whether its a fashion sketch of your wedding dress to a vibrant dramatic stag painting, rest assured i will have had the best time producing them.
Be authentic. Be you.
Sparkly love xx